Lundin Petroleum announces increased reserves for sixth consecutive year (regulatory) 2020-01-13T08:00:34+01:00January 13, 2020|
Oil discovery at the Goddo prospect, on the Utsira High (regulatory) 2024-08-23T15:00:02+02:00August 19, 2019|
Proposal to redeem 16 percent of the outstanding Lundin Petroleum shares and sell a 2.6 percent stake in the Johan Sverdrup development project (regulatory) 2019-07-07T16:50:37+02:00July 7, 2019|
Exploration well completed on the Vinstra and Otta prospects (regulatory) 2019-05-24T10:01:25+02:00May 24, 2019|
Exploration well completed on the Gjøkåsen Shallow prospect in the southern Barents Sea (regulatory) 2019-02-12T08:30:54+01:00February 12, 2019|
Exploration well completed on the Oppdal and Driva prospects in the North Sea (regulatory) 2019-01-09T08:00:35+01:00January 9, 2019|
Successful appraisal well and production test on Rolvsnes (regulatory) 2018-08-27T07:00:41+02:00August 27, 2018|
Exploration well completed on the Hurri prospect in the southern Barents Sea (regulatory) 2018-01-10T08:30:44+01:00January 10, 2018|
Non-commercial gas discovery on the Hufsa prospect in the southern Barents Sea (regulatory) 2017-11-22T08:35:17+01:00November 22, 2017|