In November 2021 the Swedish Prosecution Authority brought criminal charges against Ian H. Lundin, who at that point was Chairman of the Board and Alex Schneiter, who was then a Director of Lundin Energy – in relation to past operations in Sudan from 1999 to 2003. In the Company’s firm opinion, there is no evidence linking any representative to the alleged primary crimes. The Company is convinced that Lundin was a positive force for development in Sudan and operated there responsibly, as part of an international consortium, and in full alignment with the policy of constructive engagement endorsed by the UN, EU and Sweden at the time. Further details about the Swedish Prosecutor’s decision to bring charges can be found in Lundin Energy’s Press release of 11 November 2021, found here. Lundin Energy’s Press release of 12 November 2021, about challenging the legal basis of the Swedish Prosecutor’s decision, can be found here.

For more information on Lundin’s past activities in the region, the case to date and our concerns over the legal process, please visit