Orrön Energy’s statutory auditor audits annually the Company’s financial statements, the consolidated financial statements, the Board’s and the CEO’s administration of the Company’s affairs and reports on the Corporate Governance Report. The auditor also performs a review of the Company’s half year report and issues a statement regarding the Company’s compliance with the Policy on Remuneration approved by the AGM. The Board of Directors meets at least once a year with the auditor without any member of Group management present at the meeting. In addition, the auditor participates regularly in Audit Committee meetings, in particular in connection with the Company’s half year and year end reports. Group entities outside of Sweden are audited in accordance with local rules and regulations.

At the 2024 AGM, the audit firm Ernst & Young AB was elected as the auditor of the Company for a period of one year until the 2025 AGM. The auditor in charge is the authorised public accountant Anders Kriström.
