The Nomination Committee is formed in accordance with the Company’s Nomination Committee Process, approved at the 2023 AGM. According to the Process, the Company shall invite three of the larger shareholders of the Company based on shareholdings as per 1 August each year to form the Nomination Committee, however, the members are, regardless of how they are appointed, required to promote the interests of all shareholders of the Company.
The tasks of the Nomination Committee include making recommendations to the AGM regarding the election of the Chairman of the AGM, election of Board members and the Chairman of the Board, remuneration of the Chairman and other Board members, including remuneration for Board Committee work, election of the statutory auditor and remuneration of the statutory auditor. Shareholders may submit proposals to the Nomination Committee by e-mail to .
Nomination Committee for the 2024 AGM
In accordance with the Nomination Committee Process, the Nomination Committee for the 2024 AGM consists of members appointed by three of the larger shareholders of the Company based on shareholdings as per 1 August 2023. The names of the members were announced and posted on the Company’s website on 18 October 2023. The Nomination Committee for the 2024 AGM consists of William Lundin (Nemesia S.à.r.l.), Sussi Kvart (Handelsbanken Fonder AB) and Erik Durhan (Öhman Fonder).